This year started with very good news. Our company was awarded the ECOVADIS Gold medal rating for 2023. This award is given in recognition of our performance in Corporate Social Responsibility.
This year’s award was different than previous years, as we have changed our evaluation scope to adjust it better to our activity and our industry. However, despite these changes, we remain for the third consecutive year at the top 5% of the highest rated companies in the world.
Our continuous work on our general policy on sustainability both within LID and with our external partners, whether they be customers, suppliers, or partner organisations, has been a top priority for us since our beginning and with this nearly 20 years of experience, we continue to make the necessary efforts to improve.
For a growing company like us, the gold medal remains an incredible achievement. The feedback that comes along will also give us appropriate insights to push our teams even further to reassess and improve internal processes and procedures.
Why is this award important to LID Technologies?
The importance of this recognition lays on the fact that Ecovadis’ evaluation aims to improve corporate practices, as well as social and environmental performance, by understanding the influence of global supply chains. The evaluation, which focuses on CSR, rates four main areas of performance:

At LID Technologies, Sustainable development is at the core of our corporate project. This means that we pay close attention to its three elements: social, environmental, and economic.
Every year, we implement and encourage actions and initiatives that contribute to our sustainability goals. Monitoring our energy consumption, as well as measuring our carbon footprint, participating and encouraging social activities, while creating sustainable relations with our suppliers, customers and partners, are and will continue to be one of our main goals.
For now, this years’ recognition encourages us to stay on top of our game and focus on our CSR performance, building a more solid ground for our sustainable policies.